( **は研究代表者、 *は研究分担者、ボールドは領域内共同研究による論文)
Fukuda S , Toh H , Hase K , Oshima K , Nakanishi Y , Yoshimura K , Tobe T , Clarke JM , Topping DL , Suzuki T , Taylor TD , Itoh K , Kikuchi J , Morita H , Hattori M , Ohno H .
Bifidobacteria can protect from enteropathogenic infection through production of acetate.
Nature. 469, 543-7.

Matsunaga K, Morita E, Saitoh T, Akira S, Nicholas T. Ktistakis, Izumi T , Noda T, Yoshimori T .
Autophagy requires endoplasmic reticulum targeting of the PI3-kinase complex via Atg14L.
J Cell Biol. 190, 511-21
Mitsuishi Y, Hasegawa H, Matsuo A, Arak W, Suzuki T, Tagami S, Ocochi M, Takeda M, Roepman R, Nishimura M.
Human CRB2 inhibits g-secretase cleavage of amyloid precursor protein by binding to presenilin complex.
J Biol Chem. 285, 14920-31.

Miyazaki I, Simizu S , Okumura H, Takagi S, *Osada H.
Regulation of melanoma cell migration by Pirin is revealed by a small molecule inhibitor.
Nat Chem Biol. impress
Fujita A , Cheng J, Fujimoto T .
Quantitative electron microscopy for the nanoscale analysis of membrane lipid distribution.
Nat Protc. 5, 661-69.

Gotoh K, Tanaka Y(co-first author) , Nishikimi A, Nakamura R, Yamada H, Maeda N, Ishikawa T, Hoshino K, Uruno T, Cao Q, Higashi S, Kawaguchi Y, Enjoji M, Takayanagi R, Kaisho T, Yoshikai Y, Fukui Y.
Selective control of type I IFN induction by the Rac activator DOCK2 during TLR-mediated plasmacytoid dendritic cell activation.
J Exp Med. 207, 721-30.

Sancak Y, Bar-Peled L, Zoncu R, Markhard AL, Nada S , Sabatini DM.
Ragulator-Rag Complex Targets mTORC1 to the Lysosomal Surface and Is Necessary for Its Activation by Amino Acids.
Cell. 141, 290-303.

Maeda-Mamiya R, Norii E, Isobe H, Nakanishi W, Okamoto K, Doi K, Sugaya T, Izumi T , Homma T, Nakamura E.
In vivo gene delivery by cationic tetraamino fullerene In vivo gene delivery by cationic tetraamino fullerene.
Proc Nat Acad Sci U S A.. 107, 5339-44.

Nishimura S, Arita Y, Honda M, Iwamoto K, Matsuyama A, Shirai A, Kawasaki H, Kakeya H, Kobayashi T , Matsunaga S, Yoshida M.
Marine antifungal theonellamides target 3β-hydroxysterol to activate Rho1 signaling.
Nat Chem Biol. 6, 519-26.

Sakane A, Honda K, Sasaki T .
Rab13 regulates neurite outgrowth in PC12 cells through its effector protein, JRAB/MICAL-L2.
Mol Cell Biol. 30, 1077-87.

Mukai A, Yamamoto-Hino M, Awano W, Watanabe W, ○Komada M , ○Goto S. (○: co-correspondence). Balanced ubiquitylation and deubiquitylation of Frizzled regulate cellular responsiveness to Wg/Wnt.
EMBO J 29, 2114-25.

Ostrowski M, Carmo NB, Krumeich S, Fanget I, Raposo G, Savina A, Moita CF, Schauer K, Hume AN, Freitas RP, Goud B, Benaroch P, Hacohen N, Fukuda M , Desnos C, Seabra MC, Darchen F, Amigorena S, Moita LF, Thery C.
Rab27a and Rab27b control different steps of the exosome secretion pathway.
Nat Cell Biol. 12 , 19-30.

Tsuboi T, Kitaguchi T, Karasawa S, Fukuda M , Miyawaki A.
Age-dependent preferential dense-core vesicle exocytosis in neuroendocrine cells revealed by newly developed monomeric fluorescent timer protein.
Mol Biol Cell. 21 , 87-94.

Yamaguchi H, Nakagawa I, Yamamoto A, Amano A, Noda T, Yoshimori T**.
An initial step of GAS-containing autophagosome-like vacuoles formation requires Rab7.
PLoS Pathog. 5(11): e1000670
Hayashi-Nishino M, Fujita N, Noda T, Yamaguchi A, Yoshimori T**, Yamamoto A.
(correspondence: Yoshimori T and Yamamoto A)
A subdomain of the endoplasmic reticulum forms a cradle for autophagosome formation.
Nat. Cell. Biol. 11, 1433-7.
Hase K, Kimura S, Takatsu H, Ohmae M, Kawano S, Kitamura H, Ito M, Watarai H, Hazelett CC, Yeaman C, Ohno H**.
M-Sec promotes membrane nanotube formation by interacting with Ral and the exocyst complex.
Nat. Cell. Biol. 11, 385-396
Hase K, Kawano K, Nochi T, Pontes GS, Fukuda S, Ebisawa M, Kadokura K, Tobe T, Fujimura Y, Kawano S, Yabashi A, Waguri S, Nakato G, Kimura S, Murakami T, Iimura M, Hamura K, Fukuoka S, Lowe AW, Itoh K, Kiyono H, Ohno H**.
Uptake through glycoprotein 2 of FimH(+) bacteria by M cells initiates mucosal immune response.
Nature 462, 226-30

Miyazaki I., Simizu S.**, Ishida K. Osada H.
On-chip fragment-based approach for discovery of high-affinity bivalent inhibitors.
Chembiochem 10, 838-843
Miyazaki, I., Okumura, H., Simizu, S.**, Takahashi, Y., Kanoh, N., Muraoka, Y., Nonomura, Y. & Osada, H.
Structure-affinity relationship study of bleomycins and Shble protein by use of a chemical array.
Chembiochem 10, 845-852

Matsunaga K, Saitoh T, Tabata K, Omor Hi, Satoh T, Kurotori N, Maejima I, Shirahama-Noda K, Ichimura T, Isobe T, Akira S, Noda T, Yoshimori T **.
Two Beclin 1-binding proteins, Atg14L and Rubicon, reciprocally regulate autophagy at different stages.
Nat. Cell. Biol. 11, 385-396

Asami Y, Mori M, Koshino H, Sekiyama Y, Teruya T, Simizu S**, Usui T, Osada H
A cell-based screening to detect inhibitors of BRAF signaling pathway.
J. Antibiot. 62: 105-107

Ishibashi K, Kanno E, Itoh T, Fukuda M**
Identification and characterization of a novel Tre-2/Bub2/Cdc16 (TBC) protein that possesses Rab3A-GAP activity.
Genes Cells. 14: 41-52.

Takagi, S., Simizu, S**, Osada, H.
RECK negatively regulates matrix metalloproteinase-9 transcription.
Cancer Res. 69, 1502-1508
Tamura Y, Simizu S**, Muroi M, Takagi S, Kawatani M, Watanabe N, Osada H
Polo-like kinase 1 phosphorylates and regulates Bcl-x(L) during pironetin-induced apoptosis.
Oncogene. 28: 107-16.
Chavas LMG, Ihara K, Kawasaki M, Kato R, Izumi T**, Wakatsuki S
Purification, crystallization and preliminary X-ray crystallographic analysis of Rab27a GTPase in complex with exophilin4/Slp2-a effector.
Acta Crystallogr. Sect. F. Biol. Cryst. Commun. 64: 599-601.

Chavas LMG, Ihara K, Kawasaki M, Torii S, Uejima T, Kato R, Izumi T**, Wakatsuki S
Elucidation of Rab27 recruitment by its effector: structure of Rab27a bound to Exophilin4/Slp2-a.
Structure. 16: 1468-77.

Fujita N, Hayashi-Nishino M, Fukumoto H, Omori H, Yamamoto A, Noda T, Yoshimori T**
An Atg4B mutant hampers the lipidation of LC3 paralogues and causes defects in autophagosome closure.
Mol Biol Cell. 19: 4651-9.

Fujita N, Itoh T, Omori H, Fukuda M**, Noda T, Yoshimori T**
The Atg16L complex specifies the site of LC3 lipidation for membrane biogenesis in autophagy.
Mol Biol Cell. 19: 2092-100.

Fukuda M**, Kanno E, Ishibashi K, Itoh T
Large scale screening for novel rab effectors reveals unexpected broad Rab binding specificity.
Mol Cell Proteomics. 7: 1031-42.

Hase K, Takahashi D, Ebisawa M, Kawano S, Itoh K, Ohno H**
Activation-induced cytidine deaminase deficiency causes organ-specific autoimmune disease.
PLoS ONE. 3: e3033.

Holt O, Kanno E, Bossi G, Booth S, Daniele T, Santoro A, Arico M, Saegusa C, Fukuda M**, Griffiths GM Slp1 and Slp2-a localize to the plasma membrane of CTL and contribute to secretion from the immunological synapse.
Traffic. 9: 446-57.

Itoh T, Fujita N, Kanno E, Yamamoto A, Yoshimori T**, Fukuda M**
Golgi-resident small GTPase Rab33B interacts with Atg16L and modulates autophagosome formation.
Mol Biol Cell. 19: 2916-25.

Kanno E, Fukuda M**
Increased plasma membrane localization of O-glycosylation-deficient mutant of synaptotagmin I in PC12 cells.
J Neurosci Res. 86: 1036-43.

Kasai K, Fujita T, Gomi H, Izumi T**
Docking is not a prerequisite but a temporal constraint for fusion of secretory granules.
Traffic. 9: 1191-203.

Kimura S, Noda T, Yoshimori T**
Dynein-dependent movement of autophagosomes mediates efficient encounters with lysosomes.
Cell Struct Funct. 33: 109-22.

Kukimoto-Niino M, Sakamoto A, Kanno E, Hanawa-Suetsugu K, Terada T, Shirouzu M, Fukuda M**, Yokoyama S
Structural basis for the exclusive specificity of Slac2-a/melanophilin for the Rab27 GTPases.
Structure. 16: 1478-90.

Lai NS, Simizu S**, Morisaki D, Muroi M, Osada H
Requirement of the conserved, hydrophobic C-terminus region for the activation of heparanase.
Exp Cell Res. 314: 2834-45.

Misawa H, Fujigaya H, Nishimura T, Moriwaki Y, Okuda T, Kawashima K, Nakata K, Ruggiero AM, Blakely RD, Nakatsu F, Ohno H**
Aberrant trafficking of the high-affinity choline transporter in AP-3-deficient mice.
Eur J Neurosci. 27: 3109-17.

Miyazaki I, Simizu S**, Ichimiya H, Kawatani M, Osada H
Robust and systematic drug screening method using chemical arrays and the protein library: identification of novel inhibitors of carbonic anhydrase II.
Biosci Biotechnol Biochem. 72: 2739-49.

Saegusa C, Kanno E, Itohara S, Fukuda M**
Expression of Rab27B-binding protein Slp1 in pancreatic acinar cells and its involvement in amylase secretion.
Arch Biochem Biophys. 475: 87-92.

Saitoh T, Fujita N, Jang MH, Uematsu S, Yang BG, Satoh T, Omori H, Noda T, Yamamoto N, Komatsu M, Tanaka K, Kawai T, Tsujimura T, Takeuchi O, Yoshimori T**, Akira S
Loss of the autophagy protein Atg16L1 enhances endotoxin-induced IL-1beta production.
Nature. 456: 264-8.

Terahara K, Yoshida M, Igarashi O, Nochi T, Pontes GS, Hase K, Ohno H**, Kurokawa S, Mejima M, Takayama N, Yuki Y, Lowe AW, Kiyono H
Comprehensive gene expression profiling of Peyer's patch M cells, villous M-like cells, and intestinal epithelial cells.
J Immunol. 180: 7840-6.

Tsuda K, Furuta N, Inaba H, Kawai S, Hanada K, Yoshimori T**, Amano A
Functional analysis of alpha5beta1 integrin and lipid rafts in invasion of epithelial cells by Porphyromonas gingivalis using fluorescent beads coated with bacterial membrane vesicles.
Cell Struct Funct. 33: 123-32.

Umebayashi K, Stenmark H, Yoshimori T**
Ubc4/5 and c-Cbl continue to ubiquitinate EGF receptor after internalization to facilitate polyubiquitination and degradation.
Mol Biol Cell. 19: 3454-62.

Yano T, Mita S, Ohmori H, Oshima Y, Fujimoto Y, Ueda R, Takada H, Goldman WE, Fukase K, Silverman N, Yoshimori T**, Kurata S
Autophagic control of listeria through intracellular innate immune recognition in drosophila.
Nat Immunol. 9: 908-16.

Yu E, Kanno E, Choi S, Sugimori M, Moreira JE, Llinas RR, Fukuda M**
Role of Rab27 in synaptic transmission at the squid giant synapse.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 105: 16003-8.